Job Interviews: How to Prepare and Succeed

February 21, 2019


In this video, I'm going to share with you my top 8 tips to best prepare for an upcoming job interview. Job interviews can be quite intimidating, but with a few tips and preparation, you can come out on top and get the job offer that you want! Whether you are just starting your job search or have an interview coming up soon, these tips will help you excel in your next interview.


First off, do your research. It is important to learn as much as possible about the company and position that you are applying for prior to the interview. Doing this will not only help you answer questions confidently, but also demonstrate your commitment and enthusiasm for the role. To make sure that you are properly prepared, take some time to visit the company website and read up on any recent projects they may be working on if they are publicly available. Showing your interviewer that you have taken extra steps to research the company will show him that you are serious about the job opportunity.

Practice is another essential step in preparing for a successful job interview. Take some time before the actual date of your interview to practice common questions such as "tell me about yourself" or "why should we hire you". Doing so ahead of time will allow for more confident answers when it comes time for the actual meeting. Also be sure to practice speaking clearly and confidently so that it comes naturally during your real interview.

Dressing for success - while most companies have adopted casual dress codes in recent years, it's still important to dress sharp and professionally for an interview. This way you show respect to the interviewer while also demonstrating your commitment to the job. Try to do a bit of research on what the typical dress code might be for the industry you are interviewing for, it's always better to be overdressed than the opposite! Make sure that whatever outfit you choose is professional yet comfortable enough for long hours of interviewing if needed. First impressions matter and dressing smartly shows respect for both yourself and those interviewing you.

Also, make sure to arrive early - arriving on time isn't enough; make sure you get there at least 10-15 minutes before the start of the interview so that you can take a deep breath and compose yourself before going into the room; arriving late would reflect badly on yourself and give off a bad impression right from the start. Be sure to bring several copies of your resumé along with other documents requested by the interviewer like references or portfolio samples if applicable.

Be prepared to answer questions about yourself – at this point you should have mastered your elevator pitch like the back of your hand. Each response is an opportunity to showcase what makes you unique from other candidates, so go ahead and highlight your skills and experiences that are relevant to the role instead of just giving generic answers without much thought behind them.

The Interview

Selling yourself goes hand in hand with answering questions confidently; try not to take too long while thinking through each answer; short, precise answers give off a sense of confidence while rambling won’t go over well with potential employers. Also, keep in mind that it’s okay to ask follow-up questions related back to topics discussed previously as this shows your level of interest in what was being discussed beforehand; however, keep them relevant and brief.

At the end of the interview, if given an opportunity, ask some thoughtful questions about the role itself – such as what challenges it presents or what successes have been experienced within it already – as well as any questions related to company culture or team dynamics. Showing interest in these topics will demonstrate enthusiasm as well as indicate good judgement towards what has been discussed throughout the session.

Finally, don't forget to thank your interviewer at the end of your interview. They've given up their valuable time interviewing all day long so expressing gratitude goes a long way! If you had a particularly great interview, it would not hurt to follow-up within 48 hours to reaffirm your interest in the role with an anecdote of something positive that you took away from the conversation you had with them. This is a crucial step that most people tend to overlook, sometimes it's the little things that can set you apart.


So, there you have it – the job interview process can be nerve-wracking, but it’s also a great opportunity to show your potential employer what you’re made of. By preparing ahead of time and following our 8 tips for a successful interview, you’ll be sure to be one step closer to landing your dream job. Thank you for watching this video, we wish you the best of luck in your interview, and until next time!